McBrydes & Harrisons after hiking Eaton Canyon

What are you thankful for?

“What are you thankful for?” is our daily question around the table and at bedtime. Today we went on a hike to walk away some of our worries and anxieties with all that’s going on. I decided to pause, breathe, and be fully present with whoever was right in front of me.

1000 Gifts

I posted earlier about a pastor’s beautiful words encouraging us to slow down and see those around us becoming aware of our humanity in a time of social distancing: see the eyes, hear the texture of their voice, what they’re saying, what they’re not saying, the frown on their forehead from worry, or the laugh lines around their eyes and mouth, hugs are luxuries, hello/goodbye kisses a grace, less phone, more face.

I know we have to be cautious about 1000 germs, but here’s my #1000gifts for today:

    • my hubby that lovingly makes me coffee erry morning
    • home church
    • my mentor’s sermon
    • strong female pastors leading us in peace during times of un-peace
    • Amy’s pumpkin bread as communion
    • hearing the hard and carrying the heavy for each other
    • a talk in the kitchen with a friend
    • neighbors that are friends
    • fresh flowers on my windowsill
    • a hike to a waterfall
    • crossing a winding river over a dozen times
    • sound of rushing waters
    • times to pause and breathe letting others by because we’re each running at our own pace
    • a stranger extending his hand to help me hop over slippery wet rocks
    • a friend offering a hand to cross over wobbly log from (slight) crippling fear to catalytic courage
    • brave kids wading through rivers laughing and unafraid at being soaked wet
    • deep calling out to deep at the sound of the waterfall
    • supporting a local business
    • sitting across from my husband over dinner
    • Rob’s hugs and humor
    • free kids meals and ice cream
    • (tasty) bbq brisket
    • popcorn and a movie
    • a sweet child: this is the best hot chocolate i’ve ever had.

Manna for today. Have mercy, oh God, according to your unending love.

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