I don’t endorse candidates- I can’t even vote in the USA! but I wanted to share this really cool video about Barack Obama. It engages me because of the history of the words, “yes we can”. People of my color have chanted these words before, “Sí, se puede.” They are really powerful words in a determined mind! You can do anything if you really believe these words. I think inherently in the heart that God has given us, we truly want to believe that we can “be” someone or “do” something; and it’s amazing when we believe that in community, that together we can accomplish something for the greater good of another. When I see how Jesus gave of Himself for others- to do things for others that would make His Daddy look good, I wonder if he, as a human, had to tell Himself, “yes I can!” I bet He did. As he stepped down from heaven, it was with the determination that He alone could heal us, individually for Himself, and as a human race, heal us for each other. His love for His daddy and for us, compelled Him to say, “Alright I’ll do it.”
And He probably also knew that if He gave us the example, if He could do it, He could cheer us on and say, “Inés, now that I’ve done it, you can do something, too!” like alleviating poverty, like feeding the hungry, like clothing the naked, protecting the abused and mistreated, sending a child to school, helping the beat down immigrant, speaking for the oppressed who have no voice, speaking love instead of hate, being patient instead of demanding, speaking edification instead of words that belittle others. Sure I can. Yes I can. Do what He said. (John 14)
Alright, here’s the video- and again, I’m not endorsing, neither am I comparing Obama to Jesus! don’t send letters. 😉