I’ve worked a night shift (2-11pm) and an early morning 8-hour shift at the hospital in the last 24 hours. Today I literally only sat down for 20 minutes to inhale my lunch. So when I got home I doctored my foot blisters and decided to sit on the couch and read nothing too heavy to rest my brain (and my spine!). I grabbed a comic strip book of one of my favorite cartoons ever (right there with Snoopy):
Mafalda. I bought this book in Spain a few years ago to remember this cute little 5 year old Argentinian girl with an inquisitive little mind, who always gets her foot stuck in her mouth, continually asks her parents deep existentialist questions, but also makes you laugh at her innocence! For a 5 year old, she is deeply concerned about humanity, world peace, and rebels against social injustices.
The following is the translation of one of the strips. “
Guys! It turns out that if you don’t hurry up and change the world, it ends up changing you!” I’m NOT trying to overspiritualize everything, but the strip m

ade me think of Romans 12:1-2 and I had a faith-growing moment meditating on this verse, “
Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.”
There it is. God in the comic strip. All truth is God’s truth! ~Inés
I’m SO glad to see you writing, expressing yourself…. Hopefully the new job will still allow some time for those thoughts to pour out onto paper (or screen).
bravo et felicitation moi et mon epouse on a fait le meme chemin que vous en janvier 2008 c,est formidable ,que Dieu vous bénisse.de Robert y agathe.de drummondville quebec canada